Want to rent one of Oppenheimer’s houses?
Great! Here are answers to commonly asked questions:
How do I get inside one of Oppenheimer’s houses?
- The traditional approach:
You can call us to set up an appointment and Todd will meet you at the house. We need at least 24 hours to give the current tenants notice we are coming over.
- The spontaneous approach:
It is a long tradition at U of M that students find their own ways inside houses that they are interested in seeing. We don't encourage this method but we can't stop it either.
When can I sign the lease?
If a house is available for next year (perhaps there are seniors in the house now who will be graduating), we can sign the lease immediately.
Otherwise, the house will be available 90 days after the current lease begins. September leases will be available to sign on November 30th and May leases will be available on August 6th.
See the early leasing ordinance
for more details.
Do you know which houses are available for next year?
Keep an eye on our website, where we update availability daily.
I've found the house that I want to rent. Now what?
Act quickly! As soon as you are sure you want the house, call Oppenheimer immediately. The time you spend deliberating could be the time that someone else is signing the lease on your house. To be fair to everyone, Oppenheimer doesn’t “hold” houses, put a group at the “top of the list”, or take reservations.
Is there anything else besides the money that I should bring to the signing?
Yes. Please bring your driver’s license, your checkbook (with checks inside it), and a completed application form. That will save us some time.
Do we all have to be there for the signing?
That would be best. However, if someone is missing due to a schedule conflict, the lease can be signed by the rest of your group and the missing party can sign later. However, all rent must be paid at the time of signing.
Who has to sign the lease?
All the people who are going to live in the house should sign the lease.
How long does it take to sign the lease?
It can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, depending on the size and preparedness of the group.
Where do we meet?
Leases are signed Monday through Friday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Check this website for directions to our home-office.
Lease Information
1st Months rent due @ lease signing.
Security deposit of 1.5 times the rent plus a preparation fee of $100 per tenant due at move in.
Here is the link to the lease form. It is provided for your information and you are encouraged to read it. A copy will be provided at signing.
Important Documents
This site is for informational purposes only. Every effort is made for site accuracy. Call Todd or Judy at Oppenheimer Properties, Inc. to verify all information prior to leasing. Read your lease before signing.